Press Release: 2020 Art & Souls Lantern Spectacular
Oct. 11, 2020 / Press Release
Calling all Pumpkin Carvers and Lantern Makers!
Cotuit Center for the Arts announces the 20th Anniversary of Art and Souls with a special exhibition and drive by event in lieu of the annual Masquerade Ball.
We may not be able to host the best Halloween Masquerade Ball this year, but we have a few tricks up our sleeves. The windows of the main theater building of Cotuit Center for the Arts will be lit up with jack-o-lanterns from October 26 through Halloween night in a special drive by exhibit.
The public are invited to drop off creations, real or artificial pumpkins and festive lanterns, at the box office from Wednesday, 10/21 through Saturday 10/24.
The window display in the main building will feature all submissions lit nightly ‘til the witching hour on October 31st for drive-by viewing or online at the Center’s website
Prizes will be awarded for funniest, scariest and most original decoration.
And there’s more! Don’t miss the special Zombie PROMenade, Friday, October 30 from 6:30 - 8:30pm. Come to the Center but don’t get out of your car! Drive Slowly past the theater and around the house in the back. You never know what creepy undead character you might encounter!
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“Art & Souls Lantern Spectacular and Zombie PROMenade”
Cotuit Center for the Arts, 4404 Route 28, Cotuit, MA 02635
Pumpkin and Lantern drop off: Oct. 21 - 24
Drive By Exhibit: Oct. 26 - 31
Zombie PROMenade: Oct. 30 from 6:30 - 8:30
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