Press Release: Bruce Marshall Group in Concert at Cotuit Center for the Arts
Feb. 9, 2022 / Press Release
New England blues legend Bruce Marshall returns to Cotuit Center for the Arts with the Bruce Marshall Group on Saturday, February 19 at 7:30 PM.
The Bruce Marshall Group has a well-deserved reputation for their stellar live shows, treating their fans to a soaring ride as they rip through a rich catalog of original material that sets this band apart. The Middlesex Beat wrote of one such performance, “the band set the crowd on its feet with a revved-up evening of music featuring a rich foundation of classic Southern rock, soul, country, and swampy rhythm and blues.” Their sound defies categorization, slipping seamlessly between genres. “We love to mix it up,” says Marshall.
First formed in 1991, the Bruce Marshall Group continues to work tirelessly and has been recording and performing all over New England for over 30 years. The Group has released seven CDs, the most recent of which is 2018’s “Borrowed Time.” Bill Copeland Music News enthused that the album “impresses with the band’s array of talent as it soothes the soul with its down and dirty depth;” Steve Morse, former staff pop critic at the Boston Globe, wrote that “Bruce Marshall has plied his trade for four-plus decades and is still delivering the goods…his new album is rippling with original blues, swing, and a survivor spirit.”
Marshall describes the Group’s music as “mostly upbeat,” but even those songs which deal with love lost and missed opportunities “carry an underlying sense of hope and optimism.” The Bruce Marshall Group will perform with their classic five piece lineup, featuring newest member John Vanderpool on saxophone, flute and vocals. The band will be playing their newest originals and songs from their CDs. They will also feature a surprise guest.
The Bruce Marshall Group is a band that must be experienced live to be fully appreciated. This concert will be the Group’s only appearance on Cape Cod in ‘22.
Proof of vaccination or negative Covid test results are required to attend. Patrons are required to be masked at all times. For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit or call 508-428-0669 x0. Cotuit Center for the Arts is located at 4404 Falmouth Road/Route 28 in Cotuit.
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Bruce Marshall Group in Concert
Cotuit Center for the Arts, 4404 Route 28, Cotuit
Saturday, February 19 at 7:30pm
Tickets $30
$5 discount for members, $2 discount for seniors/veterans
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