Press Release: Jane Lincoln’s “More Than ENOUGH” art exhibit at Cotuit Center for the Arts opens August 10, 2020
Jul. 13, 2020 / Press Release
Jane Lincoln’s “More Than ENOUGH” art exhibit at Cotuit Center for the Arts opens August 10, 2020
Cotuit Center for the Arts presents “More Than ENOUGH,” artist Jane Lincoln’s three-part exploration of color and relationships, as well as current events, on exhibit Monday, August 10, 2020 through Saturday, September 19, 2020.
“Color has astonishingly limitless qualities,” says Jane Lincoln as she explores these subtle and disparate characteristics in her abstract prints entitled “Color Conversations.” The series is a dialogue on the infinite combinations of color, which always leads to surprising revelations. Lincoln marries a century-old, white-line woodblock technique, developed in Provincetown Massachusetts, with a modern grid format and her special sensibility for color.
Lincoln’s series “Color Zones” seeks out color relationships that will influence emotions and create distinctive optical effects. The dimensions and orientation of each “Color Zone” vary depending on the character of the colors. For example, in “Outspoken Orange,” orange shifts to red-orange , asking which hue matches the thin orange stripe below. Interference pigment causes some colors to shift as the viewer passes the work, altering the relationships between the adjacent colors.
In her series “ENOUGH,” Jane Lincoln puts aside the traditional tools of the trade to focus on mass shootings that have occurred in the United States. Instead of a paint brush, she picked up a large spike and hammered it through black paper. She makes one ragged hole for each gunshot death as if shot by a bullet. So far, she has created over forty pieces that tell the story of these mass shootings, and, unfortunately, I “continue to add to the series as new shootings occur.” The intent is to make visual the hard, cold facts and prompt the viewer to reflect on the real loss of life.
The gallery is open 10 AM to 4 PM Wednesday through Saturday and by appointment. Admission is free.
Cotuit Center for the Arts is at 4404 Route 28, Cotuit, MA 02635. For more information, visit or call 508-428-0669.
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“More Than ENOUGH” by Jane Lincoln
Cotuit Center for the Arts, 4404 Route 28, Cotuit, MA 02635
August 8, 2020 to September 19, 2020. No public opening reception.
Gallery admission is free during Gallery hours and by appointment.