Ongoing Updates
Jul. 16, 2020 / Press Release
Dear Friends of Cotuit Center for the Arts:
We are Cotuit Center for the Arts. Community. Family. Kindred Spirits in Art, Theater, Music. And we are so excited to continue welcoming you all to our beautiful campus, our art oasis, our community center.
As of May 29, 2021, we will be following the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ latest guidance:
- The Commonwealth’s mask order is rescinded. The Department of Public Health has issued a new mask advisory consistent with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated guidance.
- The Department of Public Health advises all unvaccinated residents to continue to wear masks in indoor settings and when they can’t socially distance.
- We will not require proof of vaccination, but in keeping with #2 advice, we encourage unvaccinated guests to continue to wear masks at indoor events and when they can’t socially distance.
Additionally, we will continue to encourage hand washing and to provide routine cleaning to ensure a safe and sanitary environment.
As we offer more and more programming, we ask you to partner with us in patience and respect. Patience until we can get back to full staff. We are currently operating at less than half our pre-covid personnel. We love you. We want you here. But it might take us a tad longer than usual to return your phone call, sell you tickets, etc. Respect because not all employees and guests might be able to be vaccinated. Some have medical dispensation and will continue to wear masks. All are welcome here.
Patrons. Guests. Artists. Instructors. Performers. Staff. We are ART together. Come and enjoy all the entertainment and education our Center has to offer! It is going to be a magical come-back summer!
See you at the Center!
David Kuehn
Executive Director